Lambs in September.

Many of you know that sheeps give birth to lambs during spring. Now we’re in September, and a week ago my boyfriends father called him and told him that one of his sheep had given birth to 2 healthy lambs. A girl and a boy. They’re very cute and like to cuddle, just like their mother. Had a tiny photo session with them today, but it was already getting darker, so the light wasn’t that good. Hopefully I’ll be able to take some better pics of them tomorrow.

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They’re so cute!


Autumn part II

Here’s the pictures I took today. Today was the last chance in some weeks that I had to capture anything. Wish the weather could’ve been better. They start the moose hunting tomorrow and it’s really dangerous wandering around in the forests when the hunters are out. You can easily be mistaken for a moose in foggy places and get shot. It has happened so many times already (not with me of course) and I really don’t want to be next.

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It annoys me that my pictures seem to be in low quality here, but so be it!

Swedish Sunset

Went to Sweden with my bestfriend and her family for a campingtrip and ended up taking these beautiful pictures of the sunset. So happy I went!

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And there was a rainbow on the other side as well. Beautiful nature.

I know there’s a lot of similar pics, but all of them turned out so well and I just had to uploaded them all!